Mutek Montreal 2020, one of the most creative innovative festivals in North America, is coming back from Sept 08 to 13 with an impressive lineup that focus on locals.

Due the recent COVID-19 pandemic many promoters and festivals around the world had to adapt and find new ways keep going. This year, Mutek Montreal 2020 decided to book local artists and projects only, giving the Festival a brand new touch and feel.
Montreal is one of the most innovative cities in North America and for over 20 years, Mutek have always been a solid source of inspiration for live audiovisual performances, late nights of top notch electronic music events, free outdoor shows, digital creativity and industry conferences, making the festival one of the most innovative in the world.
For this Mutek Montreal 2020 A Hybrid 21st Edition, every evening, from Tuesday, September 8 to Sunday, September 13, 2020, the Société des arts technologiques [SAT] and Place des Arts will host live audiovisual performances. The events, also, will also be broadcasted on a new virtual platform (free RSVP) with three virtual stages, an interactive gallery, a screening room, and a listening room.

Mutek Montreal 2020 Full Program:
Mutek Montreal 2020 Venues:
- Société des arts technologiques [SAT] (All events are SOLD OUT)
- Place des Arts
- Virtual platform (free RSVP) with three virtual stages and more
Mutek Montreal 2020 Full Lineup:
- Alexis Langevin-Tétrault CA/QC
- Alicia Hush & Elysha Poirier CA/QC
- Anne-F Jacques CA/QC
- Automatisme CA
- Ben Shemie CA/QC
- Boogieman & Samito CA/QC+MZ/QC
- BunBun CA/QC
- Chris Salter & Alexandre Saunier US/QC+FR/QC
- Desert Bloom CA/QC
- Diagraf CA/QC
- Guillaume Coutu-Dumont CA/QC
- Le désert mauve CA/QC
- Laced CA/QC
- Martin Messier CA/QC
- Melesul3 CA/QC
- Mimi Allard & Gabriel Lavoie Viau CA/QC
- Musique Nouvelle CA/QC
- Myriam Boucher CA/QC
- Neo Edo CA/QC
- Pelada CA/QC
- Poirier CA/QC
- Priori CA/QC
- Racine CA/QC
- Softcoresoft CA
- T. Gowdy CA/QC
- Tati au Miel CA/QC
- The Bionic HarpistUS/QC
- Vigliensoni CA/CL/QC
- Zandoli II & The Wasafiri CA/QC
There will be also tons of panels and workshops all around the city during the week.
Check the Full list of speakers here:
Grab your Tickets here:
MUTEK is an annual five-day event in Montréal that takes place at the end of the Summer creating a sonic space that can support innovation in new electronic music and digital art.
Follow Mutek Montreal on social
- Official:
- Facebook: @MUTEK
- Soundcloud: @mutek_montreal
- Youtube: /channel/UCP97NIat3uJtYN_nPXSw56w